Written byJeroen de Groot


Sailing off into the Perfect Storm

Another moment of truth for Digital Rocks. 27th June 2019, the launch of the mobility game called “The Perfect Storm”, designed and produced by Digital Rocks.

What is The Perfect Storm?

The Perfect Storm is a management board game on the subject of Digital Transformation, tailor made for all companies that are active in any mobility industry.

Talking ‘mobility’ we simply thought why not go for a real ‘mobile’ environment.  So, for example a ship!

We invited our customer Traffic Service Nederland to our ship-of-disruption, the ‘Titaan’ in the harbor of Ijburg, near Amsterdam. After a warm welcome of our host Leon the first participants boarded the ship.

The beautiful cabin, transformed into a futuristic war room, had the size of a large meeting room. As the contestants refuelled with coffee to get started, business manager Rieuwert kicked off the session by reflecting on the speed of change over the past few decades.

Digital Transformation in the mobility sectors

After that Jeroen introduced the game by explaining that he had transformed his key note on Digital Transformation named “Mobility 2030” into this management game The Perfect Storm.

He explained Digital Rocks’ vision on Mobility 2030. This vision has recently been created together with top management of one of the largest car manufacturers in the world. It is constructed out of 6 disruptive forces. In conjunction with the firm’s strategy, these forces generate 45 (!) strategic imperatives. Obviously, this raises the question for the firm on which ones to focus.

The Perfect Storm experience

Soon the dice started rolling and the contestants battled their way into the future.

The goal was to build a common and shared understanding the upcoming developments in mobility. Items like electrified cars, autonomous driving, sharing models, connectivity and so on.

Each time the dice pointed the R2D2 pawn to move to a certain field, a short film about the near future was projected. Alternatively, some questions came up. Difficult puzzles needed to be solved or mysterious tweets entered the play field.

The impact of mobility

Gradually the group drafted the impact of Mobility 2030 on a big radar screen showing the relevance for their own company. “What is the impact for us and where should we focus on first?”.

It became crystal clear that the convergence of the various disruptive forces is moving the mobility industries into a perfect storm. The game ended with a strong overview of the impact to the firm. The sense of urgency was felt in the cabin.

Sailing off

After having celebrated the winners of the game, we moved on deck for some drinks and ‘bitter-balls’, while the captain prepared the ship for sailing out. Soon he maneuvered the ship through the floodgates and before we knew it, we were sailing. While the host prepared a delicious BBQ, the crew enjoyed the trip on the water around the isle of Pampus.

At sunset, we arrived back in the harbor and said goodbye to all sailors. The very positive feedback on the game The Perfect Storm, in combination with the sailing and BBQ experience was the best conclusion for our launching event.

The Perfect Storm. We very much look out for more storm chasers.

We are Digital Rocks. We build serious games.

Seriously welcome @ www.digitalrocks.eu